Exploring and Diving into Terraform Data Types and Variables

Exploring and Diving into Terraform Data Types and Variables


3 min read

Understanding Terraform Data Types:

  1. Primitive Data Types:

    • Explain primitive data types in Terraform (string, number, boolean).

    • Provide examples of how each data type is used in Terraform configurations.

  2. Complex Data Types:

    • Discuss complex data types such as list, map, and object.

    • Illustrate scenarios where each complex data type is beneficial.

Let's explore the different types of data types in Terraform along with basic examples of how they can be used in a real-world scenario:

  1. Primitive Data Types:

    • String: Represents a sequence of characters enclosed within double quotes. Strings are commonly used for defining resource names, tags, or configuration values.

        variable "instance_name" {
          type    = string
          default = "my-instance"
      • Number: Represents numerical values, including integers and floating-point numbers. Numbers are useful for specifying quantities, sizes, or thresholds.

          codevariable "instance_count" {
            type    = number
            default = 3
      • Boolean: Represents true or false values. Booleans are often used for conditional logic to enable or disable features.

          variable "enable_monitoring" {
            type    = bool
            default = true

        Complex Data Types:

        1. List: Represents an ordered collection of values of the same type. Lists are handy for defining multiple similar resources or configurations.

           variable "availability_zones" {
             type    = list(string)
             default = ["us-west-1a", "us-west-1b", "us-west-1c"]
        2. Map: Represents a collection of key-value pairs. Maps are useful for defining configurations with variable parameters.

           variable "instance_types" {
             type    = map(string)
             default = {
               "web_server" = "t2.micro"
               "db_server"  = "t3.medium"
        3. Object: Represents a complex data structure with multiple attributes. Objects are beneficial for organizing related data into a single entity.

           variable "network_settings" {
             type = object({
               vpc_id          = string
               subnet_ids      = list(string)
               security_groups = list(string)
             default = {
               vpc_id          = "vpc-12345678"
               subnet_ids      = ["subnet-abcdef01", "subnet-abcdef02"]
               security_groups = ["sg-12345678"]

Working with Terraform Variables:

  1. Declaring Variables:

    • Describe how to declare variables in Terraform configurations.

    • Emphasize the importance of variable declaration for reusability and modularity.

  2. Variable Types and Constraints:

    • Discuss variable types (string, number, boolean, list, map, etc.) and how they affect usage.

    • Highlight variable constraints such as default values, descriptions, and validation rules.

Let's take an example on how to demonstrate the following datatypes and variables in real life code.

Consider a Terraform configuration for deploying a web application on AWS. You can use these data types and variables as follows:

  • String - Define the instance name, security group names, etc.

  • Number - Specify the number of instances, the size of the instance, etc.

  • Boolean - Enable or disable features like monitoring or auto-scaling.

  • List - Specify availability zones for distributing instances.

  • Map - Define instance types for different purposes (e.g., web servers, database servers).

  • Object - Organize network settings including VPC ID, subnet IDs, and security groups.